Friday, December 5, 2008

Things That Are Up:

1. The podcast! (And the other media projects) Go to then go to "Student Voices" then go to China and, well, you get the point...
2. My photos from Shaxi and Cambodia (on picasa)

Under the category of Things That Are Not Up I would put, a new informative blog entry. Sorry.

~ Becca


fredtoedt said...

You're a great Photographer,composition, imagination,and you see beyond the obvious. Thanks for sharing.Fred Toedtman

Annie McG said...

don't tease me like this!
jkjk i'm sure you're having an amazing time full of non-blog-related adventures. I keep thinking of you. I'm coming home this weekend for good from NYC and my mom was like "there's a swap meet this weekend" and i was like "oh! I should invited becca! oh... wait..."

Le Petit Prince said...

Thank you!

And Annie, I'm sorry...Swap meet in May?

friend Nancy said...

gonna get my coffee and sit and read - can't wait to catch-up but wanted to say hello first and check in.... can't wait to see more photos...... hugs....